What did I learn from the Google Project Management course?

Masih Heidarizadeh
5 min readJul 3, 2021


I have always been interested in knowing and getting to know different points of view on issues. Not just at the theoretical level. I am curious to see what other people and different companies do with these concepts, what problems they encounter in their implementation, and so on.

This article is part of my experience with Google Project Management Training. Because there may be parts left, and I will come to them later, we assume this is the first part.

Teaching method:

One of the exciting parts of the training courses that have an external reference for me is that they never say:

You should have read this last year, or you read this next year, so I will not tell you now.

The training courses I have taken so far have shown me that the training methods used in developed countries and successful companies in the world are such that in the first step they assume your knowledge of the subject in It is the most basic level. And with this view, they start the discussion.

Even if you are not at the lowest level of knowledge about the subject, they always have exciting things to teach you because they provide objective and experimental examples and theoretical concepts.

Let’s not forget the visual elements:

We influence culture with every education, so our elements are essential.

Everything has a practical meaning:

Maybe we should start with the basics. But the core of the training method is practical exercises.

And more importantly:

Getting a degree is not our ultimate goal in this course. Earning a degree means taking the first step in putting it into practice and applying what you have learned. So now you go ahead and use it more.

Take a look at the topic of the learning pyramid **

Where are we, where do we want to go, and what is the definition of what we want to do:
In this course, you will be told what project management is, but if you have heard this definition before, this time, you will come across the language that Google is familiar with this concept in its organization. Then they will tell you how we can use what we are learning together in a valuable and effective way.
You will get acquainted with the concepts and methodologies.

You understand your role in the structure of different organizations. To put it bluntly, it gives you as much information as a complete MBA course on project management. Why? Because that’s right.

Concepts and definitions in the applied model:

In the concepts section, you will be introduced to Agile, traditional project management, etc. Of course, in a total of 6 training courses, these concepts are repeated.

But in general, you get the understanding that methodology serves to advance the work and achieve the goals and not the other way around.

Here they show why they chose the concept of Program Manager instead of Product Manager. How different methodologies are selected or combined based on various conditions.

That there is no bias towards a particular methodology. If you work with Agile and Scrum, you need to be on the path to strategy. That timing, commitment, and forecasting are essential and will not be forgotten.

And most importantly for me, I always thought that all these methodologies could be combined and customized according to the circumstances. And I have heard from many people that this is not possible. As a result, I prefer to accept the words of someone who speaks based on his results and actions rather than on prejudice.

I need to say thank you, dear Google.

What does success mean? Who is important?

Google cares that its program managers define the scope of each project correctly so that they can define the concept of success, even in terms of stories in each sprint, and it is imperative to know who the stakeholders are.

How essential are soft Skills:

In the project management training courses, training centers primarily aim to teach different tools. And that they must inject methodologies into people’s minds with a syringe. But to put it bluntly, 4 hours is not enough time to train soft skills in a 160-hour training course.

Have we not read many times that 80% of people’s success is in their soft skills. So why are we doing the opposite ?!

Google is seriously emphasizing the issue of communication and the ability of its program manager to communicate with its stakeholders and colleagues, and so on, maybe because people’s ability to communicate leads them to results even in reaching the resources needed to carry out projects products, etc.

It all starts with planning:

Google says I start with planning and end with planning. And he does not say that if someone talks to me about planning, I will go under the table, only work for two weeks of the scrum, and so on. A company of that magnitude has planned, measured, and advanced issues to achieve its current position.
Planning needs to be coordinated. Coordination requires soft skills.
Planning and coordination require a meeting.

We have to conclude the session. The conclusion involves the power of negotiation. There is coherence and synergy in all of Google’s project management training.

Google is not afraid to say how it succeeds:
I realized that Google knows the way. It does not lead you to success. It is as if we all know where the peak of the Himalayas is, but knowing it has not taken us to the top of the mountain.

So Google readily shares its path to success with you. Because Google knows that not everyone can do it, any change will be accompanied by resistance. So you need soft skills to make and manage change little by little.

Data-Driven Decision Making:

A complete part of this course is about using data to make decisions and its importance.

Risk, quality, and progress all need data to measure. And as we are taught in management knowledge:

Our job is to provide the most accurate data and information to decision-makers

Managerial skills along with leadership skills:
There is both leadership and management ability in people, now each in a proportion. Google sees these concepts as complementary, as they both come together in one human being. Introversion and extroversion both exist in us, but to different degrees.

So Google points to leadership techniques alongside management concepts and techniques.

Good luck

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Masih Heidarizadeh

A Product Manager who loves reading and writing, nature, animals, and art.